Tuition Information
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Tuition, Fees and Other Charges
Students who enroll in courses at UMMC can expect to be charged for the following:Tuition and applicable course or program fees.
Should the student choose to do so, they may also have bookstore charges posted to their tuition account at the start of each term before financial aid is disbursed.
If the student applies for group insurance coverage, their tuition account will be charged the appropriate insurance premiums.
If the student fails to register during priority registration, the tuition account may also be charged a registration fee of $50 to $100.
Payment options
Pay from personal funds by the term payment deadline.
Pay with financial aid funds in the form of loans, grants or scholarships.
Arrange with the Student Accounting office to bill a third party such as an employer, military sponsor, the Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition Program (MPACT) or other entity.
Students may use a combination of these methods to pay their accounts.
Failure to pay by the term payment deadline may result in late fees and services charges and the inability to register for subsequent academic terms until the account is paid in full.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Accounting.